How do Senior Developers cope with loneliness and mental health issues due to work?

I’m a Senior Developer and I often find myself feeling lonely and experiencing mental health issues due to work. I was wondering if there are any tips or tricks that other Senior Developers use to cope with these issues?

There are a few things that Senior Developers can do to cope with loneliness and mental health issues due to work. First, it is important to make sure that you are taking breaks throughout the day to socialize and interact with others. This can be done by taking a walk around the block, going to lunch with a colleague, or taking a break to chat with a friend. Additionally, it is important to make sure that you are getting enough sleep and exercise, as both of these things can help to improve your mood and mental state. Finally, if you find that you are struggling to cope with your work, it is important to seek out help from a mental health professional.